The Gennerat families and their alliances

in Champagne (France)

There are 2708 individuals and 1116 families representing 616 surnames in this base.
These pages were created on June 11, 2003.


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Others

List of surnames

Places and surnames appearing

Surnames and places where they appear


The Sosa n° 1 is GENNERAT,Roland
His 154 ascendants are marked by the sign
His 647 cousins by the sign

Database Owner Information :
Roland Gennerat - France
Please send your remarks in :

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These pages were created by GénàToile version 0.21
GénàToile, © 2001-2003 Jean-baptiste Fahy & Benoît Mamet
Thank you very much to Leslie Howard, creator of Ged2www, which was used as model for this program.
GénàToile is a free software.